

Hello all and welcome to Ga Angling!

My name is Cameron Parker and before I can really start sharing my experiences I have to start with a little history...

OK maybe not that long ago....

And maybe it's more like in Griffin, Ga...

My dad's name is Chip Parker. When I was very little my dad hosted a TV show called "Ga Angling" (hence the name of the blog...hope you don't mind dad). Later, when it got nationally syndicated, it was renamed "American Fisherman's Journal" and I still remember watching old tapes of the show and thinking "that's so cool!!". Now I am 25 years old and my love for fishing is stronger than ever. I have been bass fishing with my dad since I was old enough to hold a rod and now that I have a little girl of my own I want to raise her the same way. She is only 2 and a half right now so I have a little bit of time, but that just gives me time to refresh and hone my skills so that one day she will maybe call me the greatest fisherman that ever lived like I used to call my dad (and still do...but don't tell him that). I hope to share with my daughter all the great experiences that I got growing up on the water fishing for everything from bass, crappie, catfish, and bream to mackerel, snapper, and trout. So that brings me to what this blog is all about...

It's And what I believe to be the best life. Life in nature breathing fresh air and getting to know the world we are blessed to live on. It's about spending time with family and getting to know yourself when you are standing in a stream in solitude with nothing but your thoughts. It's about seeing some of the most spectacular scenery and landscapes the world has to offer...right in your back yard. My back yard is Ga. What is yours?

My favorite quote (which you will get a lot of those in this blog) is from Herbert Hoover and he said...

"Fishing is the chance to wash one's soul with pure air. It brings meekness and inspiration, reduces our egoism, soothes our troubles and shames our wickedness. It is discipline in the equality of men--for all men are equal before fish."

So this is my life. A life of family, fishing, and fun around every turn of the stream. There is no where else I would rather be and I want to share that with you to inspire you, make you jealous, and hopefully...convince you to get out on the water with a rod in your hand and good company by your side. Let's go fishing!

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